Month: November 2014


A Wiki Exploration

Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 1.10.39 PMI must confess, I just can’t get into the whole wiki thing. I’ve tried over the years. I’ve created wikis. I’ve joined wikis. Yet my experience remains the same. The wiki seems like a great idea in concept, but the ones I’ve engaged with don’t seem to gain traction, are useful as a one time resource  or my interest just seems to fizzle.

As a result of the Web 2.0 course I’m taking through the IEASC program, I have come across one wiki, I’m finding to be a gold mine. Check out Web Tools for the Classroom. While most wikis, admittedly, have lost my interest fairly quickly, I’ve bookmarked this one and shared it with several colleagues. I am however also conscientious of the fact that wikis are a strong example of the NETS Standard 2.0 Communication and Collaboration.

CoolCat Teacher, Vicki Davis, offers a great set of guidelines to follow when using wikis in the classroom. Her blog post on the topic is very informative. I’ve added this to my tool box of resources to share with other educators who are interested in increasing their knowledge about and use of Web 2.0 tools.

As part of the course, I did start a wiki – There isn’t much there yet, but I’m hoping the site will see visitors who contribute their tools and ideas for incorporating Web 2.0 tools into instruction and professional development.
*cross posted at